Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I was asked the other day what kind of gadgets I use/like when I am crafting. It is an interesting question because I so rarely isolate what I use in those terms. They are not gadgets, they are tools and very often they are cobbled together as and when I need them.

Spinning - I use no gadgets. Except a ball winder, very useful for the centre pull ball that is so hard to achieve any other way.I have to travel to the Guild for that though as I do not posess one, and they are rather expensive really. I have read that you can do the same with a nostepinne (cheaper by far) but I don't have one of those.

Felting - love dry felting and needles are always in demand as I break them so often. Especially the fine ones which are what I use most frequently.

Knitting - I made myself some stitch markers ( and Nicole sent me some beauties) so I always use them. There is something about these cute little beady things that makes them collectable isn't it? A row counter would also come in handy :)

Crochet - I like Surina wooden crochet hooks. I have the very chunky ones but none in the finer guages. I have metal for that but there is something so pleasing about the feel of the wood. Silky almost.

Angelina Fibre - not a gadget but such a treat to have in the work basket and a little goes a very long way indeed.

I like all kinds of sheepy stuff, dragons, lions, cats, hedgehogs. And that is all I can think of at this time of night. I'm off to bed right now :)

Nos da Cariad


Nicole said...

I like the things that you mentioned at the bottom of the list: dragons, hedgehogs, cats, sheep... they are truly fun critters to collect.

I don't use many "gadgets" either, and though I would love to have one I am also minus a swift and ball winder. I use my Turkish drop-spindle to make center-pull balls, though, as it's something I own which does the same basic job as a ball winder. I tried doing the nostepinne thing once (not with a real one, though) and it failed miserably. Guess I don't have the knack.

Sian said...

I tried a nostepinne once and it worked well for me. However, you would kill yourself laughing at me with a drop spindle...definately no knack at all there :)