Friday, July 13, 2007

A Welsh Valley in July

These were taken a few days ago, The mist was slinking down the valley and the early morning sun looked wet and glossy. I went outside to take a couple of photos and the air smelled of Autumn. The first breath of the turning season. The weather has worsened now, very grey and cold.

I had a lovely day in Cardiff yesterday with Carol, a day full of first times for me. I've never been to Lush, jeepers I walked into the store and hit a wall of mingled perfumes. What an intoxicating experience! Bought several rose scented bath bombs, a slice of orange blossom soap and a tiny pot of coffee flavoured lip balm. Yummy. Laura Ashley had a two for one sale on and two Holly Go-lightly skirts later I could no longer say that I had never shopped at Laura Ashley! It was a day of presents, suprises, fun and laughter. A wonderful day. Thankyou Carol.


Lorraine said...

Sian- Lush is amazing. Try the Ickle Baby Baff for the girls.
My favorite is the seaweed soap.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Lovely picture of mist. We've had three hours of solid rain today and it doesn't show any sign of easing up.

Patois42 said...

I wonder, would any of the soap helped get the paint off any easier? Gorgeous photos in this post and of the girls from the green lagoon.

Sian said...

Lorraine - It is amazing! I could have bought the whole store.

Thankyou Ackworth. This Summer has been grim so far.

Thankyou Patois. My girls are also grim at times :)But a lot of fun too...

Nicole said...

Oh, that's lovely. There's nothing like mist/fog/clouds to make an already lovely place even prettier.

Sian said...

Thanks Nicole, the Neath Valley is beautiful. There is no place like home is there?