Sunday, July 08, 2007

Cobweb Update

Heading into the home straight now. There are many glaring errors on this shawl and by rights I should start it all over again, but (and this is a biggie) this is the first knitting project that has ever inspired me. I love working with the yarn, the pattern is interesting but easy enough for even a simpleton like myself to be able to follow it, at least in theory, practise is somewhat different as anyone could see by the unexpected holes. Perhaps I should call it random cobweb, like the funnel webs you see rather than the elegant suspension bridge like webs that are always photographed all dew spangled and that. Which is why there is little point in posting a photo because, as it is all squished up on the needles, it looks more like a cushion rather than a shawl.

Actually, when I say home stretch, I mean I can see an end in sight rather than only a few more rows to go!

And after cobweb, Icarus! Ta da!!!!

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