Saturday, July 07, 2007

Eight Random Facts...again

I have been tagged by Clare and agreed before I realised that I have done this before, but hey, whatcha gonna do?

The Rules: Each person posts the rules before their list, and then they list eight things about themselves. At the end of the post, that person tags and links to 8 other people; then visits those people's sites and comments, letting them know that they have been tagged, and for them to come read your post so they will know what to do.

Eight more random facts about me
  • By the time I was full term with my twins I had a 52"waist. I am only 60" high. Man, I was uncomfortable!
  • I cannot stand wearing bracelets. I get terribly annoyed almost instantly
  • My favourite colour is orange.
  • I cannot dance at all. I have two left feet. But I enjoy it so much that lack of ability does not stop me.
  • I can never tell jokes because even if I ever actually remember them correctly, I am normally laughing so hard at the punchline in my head that I am unable to speak.
  • I wanted to be a physiotherapist when I left school but was told by my careers officer that I needed a degree in physics to do this. I believed this man and a career was lost before it had even started.
  • My favourite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
  • I like to eat Marmite off the spoon.
That's it folks.
I think I will tag Nicole, Pilgrim, The Sheriff, Cherub, Angora,
and I have run out of people I can to tag so, if you are reading this and would like to play, leave a comment and I will ask you nicely okay?


Christy Woolum said...

It is always nice to learn new things about people. I also can't dance and never tell good jokes. Jane Eyre is a favorite of mine also.

Sian said...

Empire girl! Would you care to play?

Clare said...

Hi Sian! It's hard to figure out and remember who has/hasn't been tagged by others before, but I'm happy you came up with 8 more facts! Wow -- it must have been a relief to give birth. I adore the color orange too -- I love to wear it and I love having it around me in some form. It's such a warm and cheerful color. I'm going to have to look up what "marmite" is. I'm sorry the careers officer misinformed you -- what a disappointment. Keep dancing and telling jokes -- doing what we enjoy is what counts, not how great we can do it!

Sian said...

Hi Clare
Relef is not the word!
Orange is such a joyful colour and when you wear it it does so much of the talking for you I find!
Marmite is a particularly strong tasting savoury spread made from brewers yeast. I believe it is similar to vegemite (Australian) I don't think there is an American version

Thanks for asking me to play :)