Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Five

1. What do you do?
Pretty much what I like.

2. What makes you pay attention?
"Mum! Eden's playing with your make-up!"
"You know your favourite mug? Well Lily found it and...
"Emma (best friend) has got nitsl"
"The cat's thrown up again"

3. What's your inspiration?
Right now, it's pretty thin on the ground what ever it is.

4. Do you believe in magic?
Yes, of sorts. I think a lot of things are magical. Smiles that speak volumes, familiarity, love and loving when there is little to love sometimes.
But magic of the Gandalf sort? No, I don't believe in that.

5. What is your favorite subject to write about?
The things I know about. Family, spinning, wondering...

Friday Fiver

1 comment:

Clare said...

Nice answers -- I love the mix of family, magical things, pets, love, spinning, and wondering. Oh, and Sian, I've just tagged you -- read my July 6 post so you'll know what to do, if you choose to do it!