Monday, July 02, 2007

Sleepy Kitty

Zac doesn't care about the rain when it is warm inside

It is still pouring down, it's cold, I've got the fire July! Welsh weather, I dunno. Zac however is loving it, a nice warm spot on the sofa and he is one happy kitty. So cute.

Due to foul weather all outside activities are cancelled and instead a programme of spinning, knitting, vegetable soup and painting with the kidlings is scheduled - all in the company of the lovely Norah Jones. It feels like Autumn already.

Have a cozy day, stay in or take a brolly.


Lorraine said...

Because I'm not a sun or heat person, I've always wanted to travel to Wales- as well as Ireland and Scotland. I think the weather is part of the charm.
Zac doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

Sian said...

Well Lorraine, if fog, drizzle, mist and general damp is your thing then those three countries should do you fine :)

But they are beautiful places indeed, come and visit us soon!