Monday, July 02, 2007

Oh deary me...

Check out Hobgoblin Music here

Did I say that retail therapy had to stop? Well colour me changeable 'cos I'm off to Bristol on the morrow with long suffering V in tow to try out a mandolin from Hobgoblin. I don't know...I've just always wanted one okay? I'm alright on the guitar, but my hands are so stupidly small ( seriously, I can just about stretch an octave on the piano) that it is very hard for me to play well. Thus I reason that a slimmer neck will suit my literally child sized hands rather better.
And this one is so funky, don't you think? It is a little more expensive than I was prepared to pay considering that I am a beginner, but well, you don't want to scrimp do you? And it can always come out of the Christmas money that my dearest MIL has promised to bestow on me, ostensibly to get a new coat ... but I wont tell her if you won't!

Nos da cariad


Lorraine said...

Sian- It's a beautiful instrument.
Have you listened to Sting's "Songs from the Labryinth"?
It's really beautiful.

Greg C said...

My son was just the opposite. I wanted him to play the mandolin but his fingers were too big so he is playing the guitar. He is good at it though. I like the way that one looks.

Sian said...

It is pretty isn't it? The one I've seen locally is less funky but hey it's still a mandolin and they are pretty cool instruments.

I will check out that song Lorraine, I love Sting's music.

Greg, a musical talent is a fantastic thing. I hope to build one this year.