Sunday, August 31, 2008


I haven't done a quiz here for ages. Lets see - what colour are you?

you are blueviolet

Your dominant hues are blue and magenta. You're the one who goes to all the parties but doesn't quite fit in at every one... you know what you want, but are afraid of what the world might think of it. You're a little different and that's okay with them, and if you're smart it's okay with you too.

Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the html color quiz

Weird - I would never have said that purple was my colour. I'm an orange kind of girl. Hmmnn... not today obviously. Perhaps I'll try it tomorrow and see if it is different.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Guy Stuff

I was never a tom boy, I don't understand the off side rule, power tools are a little bit scary and while I have no problem walking into a pub on my own, garages make me nervous. I like hardware stores because they remind me of my dad but they are not my natural environment - that is V's department, along with everything electronic up to and including tuning in the TV.*

So it is annoying that just as V has bogged off to Africa that the loo cistern has sprung a leak.
Now my first instinct would be to call a plumber but it took me less that a minute to envisage my beloveds face when he discovers a plumbers bill in all the paperwork that will be waiting for him when he gets home.
Plan number two involves silicon sealant, vitreous gloves (the suspiciously snappy kind that haematologists wear - I use them for dying wool) and yards and yards of loo roll.

There were hardly any instructions on the sealant, the manufacturers presuming that people are born with some kind of instinct for the stuff. But after snipping the top off and having a few trial runs on some cling film it seemed not too far removed from icing fairy cakes. If I took things slowly then all should be well. Ha!
I found out several things very quickly. The main one being that silicon sealant does not stick to anything that is wet such as a leaking cistern but give it a chance to smear itself on jeans, vitreous gloves, hair (that was a laugh) and ones nose and let me tell you a little of that stuff goes a very long way indeed. And man, it reeks! A nasty, burning, chemical smell. So that, plus the angle was flipping awkward and the stuff was sticking to anything but that which it was supposed to and you can bet I was a narked bunny when I'd finished. I took huge pleasure in throwing the whole sticky lot in the bin. Okay the chances are slim that I have fixed it but a girl can hope can't she?

In other news, I went to yet another funeral day before yesterday. I think I have been to more funerals this year than I have in the last five years put together. Is this an age thing? Will funerals start to become a yearly expectation? My grandmother always greeted each birthday with a cheery "This might be my last one"...until of course one year it turned out that she was right.
Oh and I hope that one day soon, people will be expected to hand their mobile phones over at the door of the church or crem or whatever so that they will not go off in the eulogy. This has happened at the last two funerals that I have been to and really, it was crummy.

I went to a pyjama party last night to reward myself for all my hard work. The kidlings and I decamped to Dizzys for an evening of daft films, popcorn, pink wine (for the grown ups) and chocolate (for everyone). It was a lot of fun but a terribly late night for the girls and I have been paying for that today in the coin of grumpy children. Early night tonight and a dedication service in church tomorrow.

I hope that once the girls go back to school I will get my crafting mojo back. I haven't spun all summer. But now the light is changing and the nights start drawing in I will remember again the lure of wool and the hum of the wheel.

Have a golden weekend all of you

*I want to emphasise here that I am not helpless - I can bleed a radiator, check the oil in the car, I can heave coal, I can even change a tyre if pushed and I once wired a plug - but I had to get a book out of the library to make sure that I was doing it right.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Favourite Things #3


Blogging friends are great. Oakmoon awarded me this a few days ago but I have been so busy what with V gallivanting off to Uganda and all that it has taken me this long to get my head together to write anything much. But I am chuffed to get this. Thanks Kim :o)

The Rules for those recieving an award are:-

1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received the award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs nominated

I nominate in no particular order:
  • Dizzy because she is a great friend on and off line. She is brave, good and beautiful and she has a mean eye for a shoe as well
  • Bookwrym aka Nicole because her blog is fun to read, you never know what you are going to find next. Plus she knits, reads, beads, spins and she is into theatricals too. (A bit spooky really how similar we are.) It was through Nicole's blog that I found the Sheriff, another good blog buddy and she also pointed me in the way of Kresley Cole and the Immortals After Dark series, which is huge fun - so thanks an awful lot Nicole! :o)
  • Patois - this girl has a terrific blog. Funny, poignant and wise and if I cannot share her love of Bruce Springsteen then at least we both agree that haiku are here to stay.
  • Kate -of Kate Quilts because she has a truly uncanny eye for colour and design. Plus the fact that she is Australian and everyone knows that an Aussie means fun.
  • Pippa - Pippa as well as being just as lovely in person as she is to look upon is immensely talented in all things crafty. She is inspirational in the way she bravely responds to a debilitating illness and she also happens to be a good friend

The above pics are of the lovely Pippa and myself at Craig y Nos for a dear friends 25th Wedding anniversary party. The invitation was handed over along with a challenge to dress as extravagantly as we could. Who could resist an opportunity like that? There were some splendid outfits there including V who worked the Lucius Malfoy look rather well. I did not manage to get a photo of my dear husband which is annoying. He will have to get togged up for a blog pic. That however will have to wait until he returns from Uganda though.

V has also gone with friends and is at this moment very far from home indeed. Bizarrely, I have indulged in a whirlwind of housework and have also purchased paper to do the hall, if the little tunnel leading from the front door to the living room deserves such a grand title. I know what he will say two weeks from now, stepping into a pristine (and therefore unrecognisable) house
You have been busy...I really must visit Africa more often.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sometimes Paper is Too Boring

Rose: I'm bored
Me: Do some drawing
R: Boring
M: Draw on me then
R: Really?
M: Yup, really

The things I will do for a quiet hour. It was quite pleasant really, like being massaged by fairies.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kids and Cats Dont Mix

3 am and Rose wanders in. Zac is on my bed and he won't get off.
Me: Mmmfff?
R: And he's got fleas!
Me: Thwack him with a cushion, he'll soon shift

She wanders back out again. I try to get back to sleep but, tired as I am, there is now a voice in my head squawking Flea ridden cat on your baby's bed! He's not allowed upstairs anyway! You know how stubborn that cat is, he won't move just from a cushion!. etc etc
Sleep evaporates
I bumble groggily into Rose's room, pick up the cat who has suddenly gone as boneless as a tree hugging eco protester in the arms of a bailiff and evict him to his nice comfy shoebox on the sitting room windowsill.
And now I am still awake at 5am and I have a busy day ahead.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Heads Up!

Okay, most of you might have noticed that I have taken the comment moderation off.

Now here's the thing. You might now and again come across a comment written by someone called Cyril. Do not be alarmed - he is my darling nephew and is completely harmless. Okay? If he gets too bad, feel free to tell him off.
End of public safety awareness announcement

Favourite Things #2

Ticked off cats

This isn't Zac but imagine it black and you have a fair example of His Huffiness

V found two fleas on the sofa this morning. Cue biological warfare and Zac was the battleground. It was a struggle but due to my marginally superior strength and a far bigger mean streak the humans won. I find this kind of thing hilariously funny. He is a lovely cat, sweet natured as you like but he likes his dignity and there is only so much a feline can take. Zac declined to pose for a photo, hence stock pic above.

He probably won't speak to me for days.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Award!

Kate of Kate Quilts nominated me for this!!

Thank you very much Kate :o)

It comes with rules and they are:

  1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog
  2. Link to the person you received your award from
  3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs for an award
  4. Put links to those blogs on yours
  5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.
So I nominate the following fabulous blogs

Wayfaring Wanderer - because every single photograph this talented lady takes is a visual poem

Little Bird - for her unique and eclectic view on life, which despite her challenges, remain as clear and beautiful as stained glass

Oakmoon - because her blog is so very comfortable. There is a really peaceful feel in her attitude. Plus the fact that she too is a very talented artist.

Notes From the Cloud Messenger - for her astonishingly beautiful poetry and her ability to capture the essence of a moment in just a few words

Technodoll - because she is just fabulous, I wish she lived closer so we could go out for a few cocktails and laugh our heads off.

The Sheriff - not just because of her enviable skill with the needles but because she too has an outrageous sense of humour. Her blog has often made me laugh out loud.

Hedgewizard - because he is full of useful information about self sufficiency and he is also screamingly funny, really he is - check out Unexpected Showers for HW at his best

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I found the camera

Guildford cathedral is the youngest in Britain at a mere 70 years of age (or thereabouts) I found it desperately stark but the height and soaring columns were still there, can't beat a classic can you?

This is the rear view, taken from the Children's garden where we had our picnic. You can just about see the bronze statues which fascinated my girls so.

This kept us quiet too - tucked away in the back of the children's garden. There is something deeply soothing about walking the labyrinth. No matter how many times I walk one or under what circumstances, it pulls me into stillness. I have never prayed a rosary but I imagine it is a similarly hypnotic occupation.

Here are two angels going spare, Eden is still working the Cistertian monk look, while Lily goes for the gargoyle angle.
The day previous we had gone to London on the train. It was very exciting. I am not a fan of cities in general but the lure of the finest museum in the country was too strong. I used to come here as a little girl and just loved everything about it - the huge space, the beautifully painted ceilings, the light, the quiet, the sheer amount of stuff. Awesome.

I thought I took pictures of us in the Natural History museum. Really pathetically it turns out that I did not, we were too busy looking at cool stuff like blue whales and diplodocus and funky gibbons/ Neolithic's etc. V heads towards the creationist point of view in his theology, so it was huge fun watching him mosey through the gallery dedicated to the evolution of man...

The above pic is a stock photo taken from ecite. It was rather more crowded when we visited but I was still thrilled to be there. The children behaved really well too which made things easier but there was no doubt about it that it was a tiring day. I want to visit again soon, hopefully before Christmas but to come on my own and go to the Victoria and Albert museum and wander round Hyde park too if I can. V was truly amused at the thought of me wandering around London on my own and really if I think about it I can see his point. I get lost in Neath, a small town I have lived in for well over twenty years, if I went to London: the crowds, the traffic, the underground...the mind boggles. However, unrealistic bordering on the laughable, I still want to go.


In other news, there has been crafting but it has mostly been disastrous. It is not often I get craft disasters but when I do, man, they annoy the hell out of me. It has sort of taken the wind out of my sails a bit I must say.
I started the icarus shawl with my gorgeous raven silk yarn and it brought home to me how truly appalling I am at knitting. So that is another half baked project staring at me from the craft cuboard. I've pushed it right to the back to but it is still hissing at me from the depths - what possessed me exactly?

I started a baby quilt for a friends new arrival and really it is bad. I mean baaaad. I can't bring myself to send it to her but the fabric is so nice ( and not cheap either) what a flippin' waste!

I carded up the macabre dog hair/ wool blend for my batty old biddy and now it is just sitting there in batts, glaring at me and making me feel guilty that I am not actually spinning it. There by hangs a tail - that dog killed my goldfish - its true I tell you! I carded the stuff up too close to the fish bowl, some of the fibres must have gotten into the water and the daft fish must have eaten them - 24 hours later she was dead. I was fond of that goldfish and I haven't had the same look at that wretched fibre since

The good news is that I finished a baby blanket for a girl in church. It is a pretty yarn and soft though lamentably squeaky, acrylic is though isn't it? But no new mum is going to hand wash a baby blanket so wool is just not feasible.
Okay, I am wittering now. It is late and I am off to bed. Good night my dears.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Of shopping

There I was, trawling through e bay this morning, sighing over red kitten heels. V peers over my shoulder
It's going to be a hell of a shock for you when you get to heaven and find that there's no shoe shops
I give him my most pitying glance and shake my head.

Everyone knows it won't be heaven without shoe shops...

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I am back, but then, you didn't know I'd been gone. Flipping heck, turn your back and blogger goes and changes its look, I'm all confused now.

I have been to London, which is strange of me as I hate crowds, noise, traffic etc etc...but we had rather a nice time. I have also been nominated by Kate for a blog award - ta love. More details tomorrow as I have to go and get togged up for a girlie night out tonight (with cocktails hurrah!)

Pics of trip soon - it involved museums, castles and a cathedral and what is more - that strange big light in the sky showed up once or twice - I have forgotten what the sun looks like. Needless to say, now we are this side of the Severn it has bogged off again. I am feeling waterlogged and need lots and lots of martinis to dry me out as it were.

So I need to see whether Pippa has got her etsy shop going, whether Technodoll has recovered and how far Wayfaring Wanderer has got on with her haiku. Plus all the rest of my blog friends and see what the world from the Arctic to the Antipodes has been up to...See you soon my lovlies!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Six different things before breakfast

There is nothing more charming than a quiet morning spent in the company of an eight year old. The conversation ranged over why there were such things as flies, the merits of short hair cuts, nail polish and favourite dinosaurs.
This last kept us going for sometime. It is quite a good question - what dinosaur would you like to be?

Rose settled on a triceratops.
I rather fancied being an ankylosaurus...
...but decided in favour of a deinonychus because they are just so funky.

Just dropping in for a bite of lunch

V saw us all off by deciding upon the argentinosaurus, a creature which even the deinonychus would find too much of a project to undertake. At 35 metres long, a man would not even reach this monsters ankle!
We spent a fair bit of time tracking down info on these creatures. Have you ever heard of Gondwanaland? No? Me neither. It was a super continent including most of the land mass of the Southern hemisphere and that is where argentinosaurus was found. I love wikipedia don't you?

So, tell me - what dinosaur would you like to be?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer Holiday Survival Skills...

It is day 15 of the Summer holidays. Possibly four of those days have been sunny and the kids are going bat shit (frankly) for want of fresh air. There are after all only so many things one can do with glitter and paint...and computer games and DVDs and much though I love Charlie and Lola, it does not bear continuous repeat well.

Today the girls did cutting out - and the mayhem that they left behind made me exhausted just looking at it. How do teachers manage? Is that what school is? One enormous exercise in legal stimuli?

So I am starting to think the whole parenting idea is not my forte. This is on top of the realisation that V used the brush that I keep for the cat's dishes to clean the twin's breakfast milk mugs. I went from zero to fishwife at lightspeed
But how am I supposed to know? V reasoned
Because it is Zac's brush, because it is kept separately from all the other cleaning things, because you have lived here for eight years, because you are in fact supposed to know.
Hormones were blamed as the standard male defence and things took a real nose dive.

We lost the car keys. I am not joking, they disappeared into the ether, one might think that the hobgoblin had them. V got all stressed which is not his usual mindset and that really set me off. So he swiped the peugeot with the admonition that until we find the keys the MG is just a hunk of blue metal. The neighbours would have found my answer both shrill and educational had there been any around to hear, as it is my reputation received no further self inflicted blows.

And I was left with three stir crazy kids and impending PMT. Oh Joy.
Fortunately my latest purchases from amazon arrived shortly after V left. I am sure the postie could still catch the whiff of brimstone on the doorstep. And he left me a particularly absorbing book - Dita von Teese's collected thoughts on the Art of the Burlesque. This purely gorgeous confection of crystals and corsets did a lot to lift this girls spirits. If that is what cheers you up too then you might want to check it out.
The children were treated to two new collections of the tellytubbies. And then we played shops and painted our toenails. I love being a mother to girls.

Below is a pic of one of the roses that V brought home for me this evening and he is cooking me tea right now. I believe V finds roses an essential survival skill...

Oh, and he found the cars keys too.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


I don't often write about spiritual stuff. Although the spiritual is more than important to me, it is not my focus on this blog. However, this place has turned slowly from being a purely spinning/craft blog to a journal of snippets, a patchwork quilt of my life perhaps. And a few patches here and there can, I think, be given over to my spirit journey with its ups and downs, beauty and disasters as the inspiration crops up.

I was mulling over the prompt for One Single Impression as I was strolling through my favourite blogs this morning and I found this over at Robin's and A Little Bird Told Me which somehow crystallised it all...
...if you get a chance, do pop over and say hello as it is a beautiful, thought provoking place she has and I hope she won't mind when I lift a portion of text from her latest post.

Osho writes
The Jains call the person arihanta who has attained to himself and is so drowned, so drunk in the beatitude of his realization that he has forgotten the whole world. The word arihanta literally means “one who has killed the enemy”—and the enemy is the ego.
When you first enter into the world of no-mind it looks like madness—the “dark night of the soul,” the mad night of the soul. All the religions have noted the fact; hence all religions insist on finding a master before you start entering into the world of no-mind-because he will be there to help you, to support you.

And then Robin asks...What if your master, the person you learn things from, the person you admire - what if he or she is an arihanta?

See what I mean about thought provoking?
It has made me think that Osho is expressing here a tenet of the Christian way - the one of "death to self".
It made me think of the terrible hash Christians have made of the way their faith is perceived.
It made me think that the simple crystal beauty of the call of Christ has been drowned out in the horrendous blaring cacophony of hypocrisy that the Church is synonymous with.
It made me realise that Jesus is arihanta.

Why is it that a Osho can write like that and be understood and accepted while a phrase like "death to self" fills me with the shudders when it is the same thing, the same idea? Who does not wish to be free? And how many people think that Christianity is Freedom? Isn't it annoying when one's God is let down so often by the institution that crept up behind Him?

"Dance, sing, be free!" He said.
"You are free after all
And there is so much beauty here
Celebrate it!!

"We cannot," they replied.
"We have to be respectable.
Take our place
as pillars of the community
and pillars cannot dance"

Christ is a fool, a sacred fool. He takes the perceived wisdom of the world and turns it upside down. Everything that is important to us he tells us to hold lightly and who knows? It might come back. He tells us all kinds of stuff that we cannot understand: Lay down your life and you will live; if you mourn you are blessed; don't hit back at those who harm you.
...and yet some things are easy to understand. Love, do good, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. Which many consider to be naive to the point of folly,but...

A fool loves
In the face of all darkness
and against all odds

See! I got to the prompt in the end!
for more folly check out One Single Impression here

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Favourite Things #1

The best breakfast in the world: warm buttery croissants spread with thick honey. And the fresh coffee ain't bad either.

Friday, August 01, 2008

One Word

The Sheriff had this one word meme on her blog and I thought that I could swipe it as she did not tag anyone. The rule is to answer the questions with only one word and then tag four other people.

1. Where is your cell phone? Dunno

2. Your significant other? V

3. Your hair? Growing

4. Your mother? Fabulous

5. Your father? Eccentric

6. Your favourite thing? Cashmere

7. Your dream last night? Blurred

8 Your favourite drink? Tea

9. Your dream/goal? Learn stuff (and travel to see the Northern Lights)

10. The room you’re in? Bedroom

11. Your hobby? Spinning

12. Your fear? Heights

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Wiser

14. What you’re not? Tall

15. Muffins? Apricot

6. One of your wish list items? Books

17. Where you grew up? Wales

18. The last thing you did? Disrobed

19. What are you wearing? Pyjamas

20. Favourite gadget? Corkscrew

21. Your pets? Cat

22. Your computer? Dell

23. Your mood? Sleepy

24. Missing someone? Sometimes

25. Your car? Dashing

26. Something you’re not wearing? Socks

27. Favourite store? Harrods

28. Like someone? Yes

29. Your favourite colour? Orange

30. When is the last time you laughed? Earlier

31. Last time you cried? Dunno

I won't tag anyone either, but it is quite fun to do and not so easy to restrict oneself to just the one word. Have a go!