Saturday, August 02, 2008

Favourite Things #1

The best breakfast in the world: warm buttery croissants spread with thick honey. And the fresh coffee ain't bad either.


Anonymous said...

SPOT ON.Must be good coffee.

Anonymous said...

I'll second that!! Nice mouth-watering photo, too. All of a sudden my bowl of cereal seems so blah. Enjoy!

Technodoll said...

Yeeesss oooohh my goodness. YES. I love them but they love my thighs hips and butt so we don't date very often... how do you stay so slim?

Sian said...

POD: Absolutely :o)

Deborah:I try to like cereal but very often they are indeed blah :o)

TD: Slim schlim...I think a feminine shape is all to the good :o)

Anonymous said...

That coffee looks 'angin! Glad i left early now! :p :p :p

Sian said...

*blows raspberry at Cyril* Love you too babe!

Kati said...

Dang.... Can I come for breakfast at your place next time this is served?!?! *grin* I haven't had a TRULY good croissant in years! That just looks like such a decadent -but simple- breakfast!