Thursday, August 21, 2008

Heads Up!

Okay, most of you might have noticed that I have taken the comment moderation off.

Now here's the thing. You might now and again come across a comment written by someone called Cyril. Do not be alarmed - he is my darling nephew and is completely harmless. Okay? If he gets too bad, feel free to tell him off.
End of public safety awareness announcement


robin ann mcintosh said...

thanks for the warning : )

Patois42 said...

I'll be keeping my eye out for Cyril.

Anonymous said...

Cyril is a angel???? he payed me to say that.

Greg C said...

I will keep my guard up for Cyril and also that ticked off cat. :)

Lorraine said...

Sian- I have wonderful nephews and nieces that I indulge shamelessly.

We all have a Cyril.