Friday, August 01, 2008

One Word

The Sheriff had this one word meme on her blog and I thought that I could swipe it as she did not tag anyone. The rule is to answer the questions with only one word and then tag four other people.

1. Where is your cell phone? Dunno

2. Your significant other? V

3. Your hair? Growing

4. Your mother? Fabulous

5. Your father? Eccentric

6. Your favourite thing? Cashmere

7. Your dream last night? Blurred

8 Your favourite drink? Tea

9. Your dream/goal? Learn stuff (and travel to see the Northern Lights)

10. The room you’re in? Bedroom

11. Your hobby? Spinning

12. Your fear? Heights

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Wiser

14. What you’re not? Tall

15. Muffins? Apricot

6. One of your wish list items? Books

17. Where you grew up? Wales

18. The last thing you did? Disrobed

19. What are you wearing? Pyjamas

20. Favourite gadget? Corkscrew

21. Your pets? Cat

22. Your computer? Dell

23. Your mood? Sleepy

24. Missing someone? Sometimes

25. Your car? Dashing

26. Something you’re not wearing? Socks

27. Favourite store? Harrods

28. Like someone? Yes

29. Your favourite colour? Orange

30. When is the last time you laughed? Earlier

31. Last time you cried? Dunno

I won't tag anyone either, but it is quite fun to do and not so easy to restrict oneself to just the one word. Have a go!


Lorraine said...

Sian- Harrods?

Sian said...

Lorraine: Wow! I thought Harrods was world famous!

I tried to write a good description of what Harrod's is like and it turned into a posts worth of stuff. Perhaps you aught to check it out on Wiki or Google for a more succinct answer than I can give you :o)

Nicole said...

I've been meaning to do this too... it's always fun to play with MEMEs!