Friday, August 10, 2007

To See a Mockingbird...

Went to the park this morning with the kids. It was early so not too hot. The kids had a great time. Adam ran twice round a baseball diamond. I felt hot just looking at him.

On the way back we saw a mockingbird, never seen one before. Spent the rest of the trip quoting Harper Lee at just about anyone who would listen. Mocking birds are so cute. A little larger than a thrush but the same bobbing tail and flight as a wagtail, same kind of pied pattern too. It almost of made up for the fact that we are in the wrong season for fireflies. I so wanted to see them but Todd was pretty dismissive of the chance of getting to see any. I'm not giving up hope yet though.

The rest of the day has been spent getting the rental car. A hoofing great big Cadillac, oh my! And the silly suckers have insured me to drive it too! It is an automatic which is bad enough (automatics always seem possessed to me, I was permanently fighting the only one I ever drove as it always seemed as if it wanted to pull out of junctions on its own) But it is also roughly the same size as a minibus. It is the biggest blinking car I have ever seen. V loves it.

Anyway, so the plans for this evening includes me pottering around the back streets in a caddi, yeah baby! *thinks fiercely* On the right, on the right... And possibly watching Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mocking Bird. Now if I can only find a recipe for mint julep and I'm a happy girl.

It is 4.55 pm here so it must be close on eleven with you. Hope y'all are doin' just fine.
love you guys.

Nos da Cariad


Christy Woolum said...

just google a recipe for mint julep and enjoy G. Peck ... and a caddie... what a way to spend a Friday!

Sian said...

Life doesn't get much better than this empire girl. What a wonderful country!