Wednesday, August 15, 2007

In a Cavern...

Saw my first raccoon today, it was dead but hey you gotta start somewhere. We are on the way to Cathedral Caverns in the foothill of the Appalachian mountains. Huge tree massed hills. Just saw a peacock green corvette mmm, yeah baby and we are rolling along in the church van, all ten of us, listening to blue country rock

Now Todd has changed channels and we have found bluegrass Gospel...yee haw!

You might guess that I have copied this from the rather jiggety longhand that I wrote in my journal on the way to the caves...

The caves hold several world records, largest cave mouth, tallest stalagmite, highest frozen waterfall and I think the highest ceiling, but don't quote me on that one. Though one of the cave rooms we were in measured as high as a twelve story building.

The way was wide and well paved, we took the strollers down there no problem. The guide was unfortunately soft spoken, so we missed quite a bit. But the actual cave room that the caves get their name from is just stunning. I took a few photos, but they just didn't do it justice. Got some postcards to send to Rose's school instead.

On the way out I got a "cave kiss" which is a drop of cold water from the ceiling and is considered to be good luck, as opposed to a "bat kiss" which is warm and is not good luck at all!

Afterwards we sat in a log cabin type porch affair, warming up. It was cold in there and at our deepest we were 240 feet below ground, so the comparison is not surprising really when you think that it is 104 degrees out here!

There is every chance that we will finally be able to visit the neighbourhood pool this evening. I think we will all enjoy that.

It is now 9.20 pm with you
Thinking of you
Nos Da cariad


Greg C said...

Where the heck are you? Sounds like you are right next door. By the way, we don't call it the Civil war down here. There is nothing Civil about your btorhters attacking you, We like to refer to it as the war of Northern agression. lol I am sure if I went outside right now I could spot up to 5 live racoons on my front porch eating the cat rood. There might be a possum too, lol Hope you are having a great time.

Anonymous said...

bit gutted, but...
As if im not going to Cardiff
History... and ARCHAEOLOGY!!
But apparently Bath are reluctant to release me... or something... it's confusing
But it'll be sorted out tomorrow
Talk to you again when it's all ironed out :)

Sa said...

We have viewd your pictures and flippin eck siany what happened to V????? He looks utterly conventional and almost like a writer, get the man a panama! and he will be J R hartly!!! We like it tho!
By the way the MR remarked that you are mad taking a photo of a coat on a coat hanger (the piece of rock suspended) I know what you are thinking, hold that thought until you see him again!

Yolanda said...

I grew up in that neck of the woods and Hope you are enjoying the area. STay cool.

Anonymous said...

I'm in for sure!

Anonymous said...

And Wales won today!
And I'm going to Reading festival on Wednesday!
And I'm pulling girls for fun at the moment!
My life is so shallowly brilliant!!!
xxxxx [one for each]

Sian said...

Greg: We are in Alabama, Huntsville mostly and now way down South on the Gulf. It's great here!

Cyril: glad you are having fun and way to go on C'diff

Sara: V is doing the Brit abroad in a hot climate look. The veneer of civility will not last long once he hits Neath asmosphere I am certain, but for now it is cool!