Thursday, August 09, 2007

Baby it's hot outside!

It is blazing out here! Mum, Anne, you would love it. Dad - your ears would drop right off! lol (Thomas you must tell them what lol means.)
I was made for warmth like this I tell you. My body has reverted to the Malawi zone effortlessly. Poor V is hanging in there, but he ain't a natural like me.

Today we are off to the mall. Need more clothes and a decent handbag and a hat, cos it is hot. Have I said that already? Even the folk that live round here are commenting on how warm it is. Apparently they are in a drought situation and the weather is more like July. I don't care. I am catching enough warmth to see me through a Welsh winter...shuddering at the thought of the mist and clouds that will shroud our valley and then I look outside and the ferns and glittering leaves and the paddling pool which is warm now in the heat. Daddy, why did we leave Africa?

Anne, this is the life baby. We have to keep the door closed to keep the warmth out! And the crickets and tree frogs are chirping like mad all the time. You would love it, it's just you. I am loving enough for the both of us though. But I wish you were with juleps all round. Shame the house is tt ( and the fact I don't know how to make a mint julep, but you know what I mean)

Hope you are enjoying the soggy Cotswolds and Henry V, and to coin a phrase, once more into the breach dear friends once more... I'm off into the freeze of an air conditioned mall. I think I'll take a cardi!


Ms_T said...

Wow guys n gals, sounds like an amazing week so far, I am so pleased for you all that you seem to be settling down so easily there! I wish you all the best for the month ahead, it sounds like an amazing opportunity and I shall be checking on your progress as the days go on. Thinking of you all, love n hugs, Cherub x

Sian said...

Hiya Cherub
Hows it going? Still high after the baptism? Thinking of for me in church on Sunday will you? I know you can do it!