Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Do you recall my boast that I have been cuss free for four days? Well back to zero now that I saw my first live cockroach. I don't think this house has heard such a stream of imaginative invective in its entire history. Thankfully it was just Todd within hearing distance and I gave him very clear and direct instructions as to the immediate dispatch and disposal of the creature. Only there were a few more bleeps in my verbal sentences than the one that I have just written
I think I had ample excuse really... it was scuttling man!
Steph has just assured me that it was a fair sized roach, about an inch and a half. So could I have got away with more if it had been a cockroach king? Who knows... hope I don't see the King of the Cockroaches and let rip while Todd's mum is about, she would not be amused.


Pilgrim said...

Thanks for the morning chuckle Sian.

Lorraine said...

Sian- Don't visit Mexico if you don't like roaches. We had to kill one with a giant ashtray and it refused to die.
La cucaracha indeed!

Sa said...

I think on this occasion you are granted a cuss word!!! I would have screamed and refused to go back in the room! we had one saturday night in the holiday cottage and it took two blows to it before it stopped wrigglin! ucky things!!!

Sian said...

I am avearging about one roach a day...and I will never get used to them. Foul things...
Ych a fi!