Saturday, June 30, 2007

My foot is hurting man!

Natural Jacob top, spun chunky

I haven't spun in any amount for such a long time and then I go and spin up about 250g of Jacob in one evening. Destined for a good wide scarf for Carol, I'll probably have enough over to make a Christmas present for somebody else as well. So spinning for about two hours and then plying it up takes a bit of doing and my poor ankle is not used to it anymore. We'll see how I am tomorrow, Church and dancing should shake a few of the knots out of the the old tendons there!

I had forgotten how soothing spinning is for me. Todd watched me work up an afternoon's spin, about 50 g of parrot acrylic in single lace weight and he made a comment along the lines of that it was so monotonous that I really would be happy working in a factory - well...yes. I have worked in a factory in the past and I enjoyed it very much actually. But there is more to it with spinning. There is the regularity, the rythm, the chance to make good or foul up with every turn of the wheel ( always a knife edge with me) and the wonderful fact that it occupys the hands and part of the mind, leaving the rest of the mind to sort things through without the rest of the thought processes getting in the way. I have never prayed with a rosary, but I should imagine the methods are similar. I pray a lot when I spin. That probably helps with the calming influence too I suppose.

Lily's cardi

This pic is of a cardigan that my mum knitted for Lily, Eden has one also , but that needed a wash almost immediately. I thought it was so cool I had to take a photo of it and boast...

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