Friday, June 22, 2007

Go West!

Yes, even further west than Manorbier... we are off to America for August - Alabama and maybe a bit of Texas. Do I need to pack a jumper? :)

Means we'll miss an awful lot of stuff here though. The Cordell festival, Zoe and Jonathan's wedding - I was looking forward to seeing how stunning Zoe would be on her wedding day, Sharon and Chris's wedding, at which I was supposed to read :( Even the Brecon Mountain centre three day spinning demonstration which I was planning on living at.

But oh, the realisation of a lifetime's dream. Real heat, toasted earth, both a familiar and utterly strange culture seen up close. The food...mmm... steaks, gumbo, tex-mex. And we are going to stay with families, not a hotel or anything...and we are going for the longest time that we have ever been away but with a real point in mind (helping missionaries) What a chance to do something really different.

And then by September I will be desperate to get back home, to the green and the sheep and the Welsh accent. The first spin of the new term at Ponty Cross. And we will be back the first week in September, get over jet lag and hit life at a run once more.
V is certain that something amazing is going to happen shortly and I have never seen him wrong when he gets these things. Sometimes it is hard for me to see above the humdrum of my daily life...when the kids have eaten me alive that day and there is nothing but skin and bone masquerading as a mum, cooking the tea that they are probably going to turn their noses up at anyway. Sometimes it's hard to be a woman...I know get the flippin' violins out...all together 1,2,3.... ahhhh, poor Sian.

But there we are, that is life with its ups and downs, gains and losses, triumphs and disaster... and treat these two imposters just the same? I'll try Mr Kipling...

1 comment:

Clare said...

Oh! Your trip sounds so amazing -- what fun! And to get to stay with families instead of hotels is so much cozier. And how incredible to get to help missionaries -- this is such a beautiful thing. You have an amazing heart.