Thursday, June 07, 2007

Project Spectrum - All change

Project Spectrum's colours for June/ July are black, red and metallics. Wow, sexy. I love wearing red, so vibrant, but black is such a functional colour and it reminds me of the goth phase I went through in my teens when I thought that I looked soo cool and uncaring when really, now that I look at the photos some twenty years later (eeeek!) I look like a crow shedding feathers. Yuk. Anyway, reminiscence aside...metallics means beads and lots of them and I think I have a project in mind actually. Watch this space.

Icarus has been completely erased and the yarn is staring at me from the top of the dresser, purring seductively. Stop up my ears a la Odysseus and finish the Cobweb first I think. Cobweb has been neglected of late and is sulking on top of the piano. Poor little thing. What shall I do first, spectrum or a row or two of knitting? Actually I think I'd better go and wash the dishes first, no good fairy will do them for me and ignoring them doesn't work.

Have a crafty, chore free day. (Unlike me!)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hey! I just realized that I finished my blood-red socks in June! So they would could for Project Spectrum. If I was doing Project Spectrum. Oh yeah.

Poor Icarus. But I understand about the one-lace-at-a-time. I do the same thing, though it's hard to not cast on my laceweight alpaca...