Monday, June 04, 2007

More Cobwebs

That cobweb made me think about the pic I took ages ago of my cobweb shawl that I am attempting from Victorian Lace Today. Here it is. I reckon a spider might live in it if I paid her enough and gave her a blanket to keep out the draughts from the random holes that are not actually in the pattern, but yet are there in my version.
Every other knitter I know would rip this back to the beginning, but I know enough about myself to know that if I ripped this little sucker back I can kiss the shawl goodbye as I would never have the heart to start again. So, it is my Persian flaw cobweb shawl. Reminding me (as if I were not already amply aware) that only God is perfect.


Anonymous said...

Why is your spider female?
Why wouldn't a male spider want to live there? I do believe that you are being very spider sexist!
I am quite offended.

Sian said...

Male spiders are too busy looking for a bit of the other and being eaten for their troubles to be bothered about shawls.