Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lobster Quadrille Anyone?

This morning, right now, I don't think I can go. It is indeed a very long way away and I am certain that I would get as far as Staffordshire and want to come home. It is in Cockermouth, Carlisle is only over the next hill.
For some reason, due probably to a childhood travelling often to Scotland, Carlisle seems so far away. The border to another country as different from mine as Japan. But that's another story I suppose.
Just to say I'm in another state of mind to the militant spinner that goes to the ends of the earth for an opportunity to buy bison down. The internet has spoiled me. I don't ever have to leave my valley if I don't want to. I'm developing a village mentality. The trip to Cardiff should have shown me that one. Ha! I can't even travel forty miles without agraphobia setting in. ( That's not true by the way, it's just an illustration)

Cumbria would be good for me. Ohhh rats...I really can't decide

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you
Will you join the dance?


Lorraine said...

I love your blog.

And I understand about the desire to stay close to home.

Sian said...

Thanks Lorraine. I love your blog too.

Clare said...

Hi Sian! I can't tell you what to do. I just got back from a big trip. But there are plenty of times when I am not feeling adventurous and want to stay home with my husband and Moose the dog. I love the line you wrote about the militant spinner and bison down. Let yourself be ok with whatever decision you make -- trust that part of you that feels the way it does about staying or going.

Sian said...

Hey Clare
Thanks for the encouragement. Hope you had a great time, glad to see you back