Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Camel Speaks

Just when you think that you are going to die the slow death of attrition by kids a friend comes along and rescues you.

Yesterday evening after another day of being a bit low, Eden and Lily were finding straws with which to kill the camel, the last one being spreading a litre of bubble bath over my bedroom carpet, very foamy - great fun, and on a different day I would have laughed 'til I dropped but not that day. Then the inevitable happened and the soap got in their eyes.
The poor little blighters were pretty much in agony and there was very little hot water so their rinse was tepid (and rather brisk due to a seriously ticked off Mum) rather than the pleasant soak that they are accustomed to when bathing.

And we went from there. Do you know when you get a bee in your bonnet and finally see the chaos that you are living in? Maybe you don't have chaos, I have it in spades. So I hit it at a run and tidied the hall, which was getting me down and didn't realise it. Anyway, there I was throwing stuff out, muttering and grumbling and the phone went. It was Catherine.
Fancy going out tonight?
Heck yes
Okay ... and off we went, two familys, kids and all, to the Dyffryn Arms for a pint of Guiness, some dark chocolate and the company of friends.

Didn't you know? Camels are particularly fond of all three, straws melt right away.


Nicole said...

I'm not much into beer, so the Guiness would be more likely replaced by a margarita - but the dark chocolate and company sounds wonderful.

Glad you're feeling better, and hope it lasts!

Sian said...

Thanks Nicole. Yes I'm feeling a lot better now. I think it had just been a herd fortnight really being ill and all.
But both local and blogging friends help a lot :)

Sian said...

I meant hard fortnight! No sheep round here, just lots of wool!