Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day

Yes, I know it's a Hallmark holiday, but still time to appreciate Daddys everywhere.

Lily and her Grandfather

My Dad is, of course, a product of his time. Where men worked down the pit and gave the money to Mam at the end of the week. Down the pub on Fridays, Saturdays in the vegetable patch or the pigeon shed and Sundays fighting the wife about going to chapel, going, coming home, eating dinner and then sleeping for the rest of the day to fortify them for the ten hour shifts in the week to come.
Daddy has told me about twice in my life that he loves me ( one of those times was on my wedding day, when he made it clear to me that I did not have to marry the musician/bum that I had chosen but could come back home if I wanted.) But, I've known his love for me like I know the ground is beneath my feet.

Of course the musician/bum grew up and became the finest father I've ever seen. Okay, so he lets them eat nothing but Wotsits and fromage frais all day so that when I come home they are psychotic on cheese flavouring and sugar but hey...
He has a gift for fun, he holds them like they are flowers carved from diamond, he teaches them, he guards their bodies and their spirits. And I know that in the years to come - not so far away really- when each one is carving a swathe through the male population of the town, he will guard their hearts too.

Here's to you Daddys both, with the best of your girl's love.


Christy Woolum said...

I love the pictures and the words to match.

Sian said...

Thank you :)