Thursday, June 21, 2007

Jessie's Diets

Jessie was a favourite character on a favourite sketch show of mine called The Fast Show. It didn't last very long and has long since been eclipsed by Little Britain, which passes me by completely, which is a sure sign of getting old.
Anyway, Jessie used to come out of his shed on his allotment, hitch up his grotty trousers and bark at the camera in broad Devon
"This week I have been mostly eating..." and then say the most bizarre ingredient like "Figs" or "pate fois gras" and then he'd scrabble back into his hut and bang the door closed.

I found it hilarious.

So I rather liked the swiping of it in This week I have been mostly the titles of some of my posts. Just wanted to clarify that for some reason.

The point of that was to let you know that this week I have been mostly reading...

Enchanted, erotic fairy stories for women
by Nancy Madore

Man, it is nasty. There are some glowing reviews on Amazon - don't believe them. This book is just yuk. And there I'm leaving it.

But it did get me thinking that I am certain that I could write better than that. I've loved Mills and Boon for many years and they can get decidedly racy in places so I know that erotica can be written well. So I got my serious writing hat on and away I went.

So then I thought some more and considered that this is a craft blog, but I put an awful lot of poetry and stuff on here. So organisation waved its tiny paw at me and suggested I start another blog for the creative writing that I have done. So I have. And I'm filling it up slowly with the stuff that I have had hanging around and had nowhere to put. So...there it is I've told you.

Link removed, see below

I've only put a snippet of the erotic fairy story up on the new blog and there is nothing to frighten the horses there, but I would be grateful if you could give a bit of feedback if you felt like it.

Also, and it is a valid question to ask, V - my arbiter in most things of sensible behaviour (as I foul up in that department so often) - doesn't like the idea of erotica at all and thinks that a good Christian woman should have nothing to do with it. This despite almost daily evidence that I am not very good at being a Christian anyway. I just happen to be rather fond of Jesus, that's all, I'm useless at listening to Him though.

So...what do you think? Should I be stoned for thinking up stuff like this? Or should I not be stoned, but let it go anyway, or doesn't it matter? I honestly want your opinion. Please share. I know comment moderation has been enabled but I promise to post up every ones point of view regardless of wht you say.


Have removed link to writing blog as I really need to think about what I want to do with it. Thanks for the input guys, it's appreciated


Lorraine said...

I didn't read it, as Erotica in any form is not my interest. I know Anais Ninn has many followers.
Having said that- you're not a bad person if you read or write these things- I think being a Christian is more the way you treat others and live your life than whether you show up in church once a week.

Bottom line- be true to yourself.

Sian said...

thanks Lorraine

Anonymous said...

Sian, my darling wife. You have a great tallent for writting, a God given one. I believe your destiny is far greater than writting soft porn, think bigger, think bigger think God.

Bottom line - be true to who God has called you to be.

We both know that it would be perfectly designed, taylor made and the most fullfilling.

You just can't beat that! can you.

Praise God

Sian said...

That's my man :)
love you babe

Sian said...

Yup, been speaking to a few people and I think I have to think this out again.

Thanks for the comments. They were useful.

Nicole said...

Might be late, but here's my two cents anyway.

I don't think that writing erotica (or fantasy with magic, which is what I write) makes one a bad Christian. It's the "why" you write it that matters more, in my opinion. I write fantasy because I like it, for example. Not because I believe that vampires and other creatures of the night exist. Not because I would do anything to get magic powers. But because it's a fun escape.

There are those who say that fantasy is anti-Christian. I think that those people look at the extreme fantasy fans who use it as an excuse to do things they would never normally do, and take them for their only examples.

I see romance/erotica in a similar light. It's not bad in itself... but it can be used for ill. (As can anything.)

Why not combine erotica and Christianity? Why not find a way to blend the two? Erotica isn't my cup of tea, so I don't have specific suggestions on how to do that, but it could work. They aren't mutually exclusive, I think. And bringing God to people who normally ignore Him (or worse, don't know Him) can't be a bad thing.

Sian said...

Hey Nicole,
I think combining erotica and Christianity would be something of a challenge for a better writer than I :)

I just thought I could write better stuff than that book and I think I did...but is that compatible with my beliefs? I don't know. I think The Song of Soloman is pretty sexy, although I know some people who would choke on their bread and fish at that idea.

I guess I still haven't figured this out yet.