Friday, June 08, 2007

Oh Rats!!

One of my favourite things to yell when things are not going to plan... if only I had remembered that this morning.
Took my mum to hospital this morning and knowing that there would probably be a lot of hanging about I took my knitting as well. Cobweb is not that portable as I have not yet photocopied the chart to cart about and the pattern book is not to be taken lightly anywhere.

So out came Icarus and the little sheets, written instructions and chart one. Since posting on the KAL have sorted my problem with the chart - duh, such a simpleton - and so I had high hopes that I could make some progress today. And I did. I managed a fair bit, half way though the chart and I dropped a stitch.
Okay I can cope, but it shot down the rows and I didn't have a crochet hook to rescue it. I tried but it looked appalling after I had finished. Thought about the many varied and exotic cuss words I know and decided that I was too flipping angry to use any of them and shouted OH NUTS in the middle of the waiting area. Unfortunately I realised seconds later that this is not necessarily the politest of things to shout anyway, it being vernacular for some things that ladies don't have and collapsed into red faced giggles, reduced to teenager all over again.

And alas, my darling icarus has been ripped right back for I think the seventh time :(

Never mind, tomorrow I dance.


Nicole said...

Oh, no! =( Your poor Icarus. This is why I use lifelines on big lace, but I don't think you'd reached lifeline stage yet. How traumatic for your poor yarn.

Have a good weekend!

Sian said...

Nicole, as soon as I pick up needles - I'm at the lifeline stage! I love the pattern so much, but oh gosh I cannot knit.
The yarn is looking okay really, I snipped off the first couple of yards as they were looking a bit sorry for themselves but I'm not giving up yet!