Friday, May 30, 2008

Ticced Off

Well, it has come round to that time again. One that cannot be put off no matter how hard I try not to think about it.

Eden and Lily had their booster jabs yesterday* and whilest I was in the surgery, the receptionist, an old school friend of mine, pretty much forced to make an appointment for an essential examination.**

It is not so very bad but my doctor has Tourette's Syndrome. No, I am not kidding.
Now all power to my doctor for actually getting to be a doctor, inflicted as she is by one of the most outrageous of mental tics, but you try lying there trying to relax*** while your doctor has a funny five minutes...

* They are fine. Not a twitch from either of them and you name it - they are now immune to it.
**Yes, the girl kind, say no more.
** "Just try to relax" - surely one of the most worthless pieces of advice the medical profession has ever come out with.


Lorraine said...

Sian- Um, that's a little unusual.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

That would be sort of unsettling.....especially if you hate going to the doctor in the first place! I know I do.....

Patois42 said...

That is priceless: your description, your doctor and that shirt.

Greg C said...

Oh say no more. My wife just had the ** checkup done a few weeks ago. She came home with a red rose after they (as she put it)"violated" her Gosh I thought a kiss was acceptable. I am overdue for my 50 thousand mile checkup and I am not looking forward to meeting that probe.

I could think of lots of things to say about your doctor but I will be nice. I can just imagine some things that could happen.

Anonymous said...

They violated her gosh?!!!

Nicole said...

My ** check-up is nearing, too. Though having your doctor go on one of her moments could ease tension, if you let it, I suppose.

Technodoll said...


I'm looking for words but can't find them through my peals of laughter!!

Kati said...

*snort* Oh. I'm sorry. I know how uncomfortable those girly-type exams are under the best of conditions. I cannot imagine having my Dr. examining me while dealing with symptoms of tourette's at the same time. Yeah. Not a relaxing time. I'm sorry you've got to go through it.