Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I have a spinning day tomorrow so it will be unlikely that I get to a computer until late tomorrow night.But I wanted to post this up as soon as I thought of it.
It has been bothering me that writing about spinning and yarny stuff is rather less fun that it has been in the past. It is a bad sign when one starts to find one's own blog boring...
But I think I have a solution to this hopefully temporary glitch.

I challenge you, my few but faithful readers...

I have been looking at the regular writing prompts that I use. Sunday Scribblings and One Single Impression and I must say that they have not grabbed me for the past few weeks.
If you have an idea for me to write about: a short story, a haiku or a poem then leave a comment suggesting a prompt and I will aim to get it done by Sunday.

Do leave a suggestion now won't you? Don't leave me hanging, looking like an utter prat.
Hope you have a richly imaginative day


Kati said...

Hey Sian! No suggestions, unfortunately, but I did want to let you know that I've finally done the Meme you tagged me for.


Sa said...

Colours, fill a writing full of as many references to a colour as possible! there you go!

Patois42 said...

I've been inspired to write by a news story which touched me deeply, for whatever reason. I'm not posting it on my blog; I'm giving it over to Indie Bloggers. (When I finally write it.) But try it. Take a story you've read about and put yourself as a character in it. Write the events as if you were living them, in the first person.

(Or ignore this and don't publish the comment!)

BTW, I love looking at all your spinning photos and reading those posts.

Greg C said...

I am in the same slump and also looking for something to write about. I love poetry though and would love to hear something that reflects life where you are. I still plan on visiting some day.

robin ann mcintosh said...

ooohhh this is such a good idea.

OK after some thought and consideration, here is my prompt:

lately I have been thinking about my parents. You know when you are younger, and you think your parents are infallible? Absolutely indestructible? Well sooner or later that delusion shatters, and you are left with two, walking talking PEOPLE.

So when was your moment of realization?


I would love to hear about your dream day : )

I am definitely one of your faithful readers!! I love your blog, I hope you know that!


Technodoll said...

How about a poem about girl's names... yours are so beautiful, how and why did you choose them?..