Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New Day

It is a rose gold morning here. It was warm last night and I slept with the window open - to be woken by our robin telling all the girls how fab he is. The sparrows joined in with the chorus and by the time the blackbird gave his two pennorth I gave sleep up as a bad job and enjoyed the concert.
There is a lot to be said for sitting on a broad windowsill with a nice hot cup of tea listening to the birds, watching the sky turn from aqua to rose to gold and feeling the earth wake up. It seems it is going to be another beautiful day. I might paint some roving in the garden while the children are in nursery. Six am and the day all untouched. A blank page...

As I have no photos of the sky which is now a pale crystalline blue - I am getting a good show this morning - I thought I would give you my wrapping from etsy. A spinning wheel threading hook is probably boarding the plane to California right now. I'll never get rich with this and perhaps the novelty will wear off eventually but I am still pretty chuffed with this.

May your day be both bright and beautiful.


Greg C said...

Mine is bright and beautiful thank you. I love the pin.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I just love your pretty packaging, I would be delighted to receive my threading hook.......if I knew how to use one ;)

I love the mornings when I get to watch the earth wake doesn't happen nearly as much as I would like it to though :(

Lorraine said...

Sian- Take heart- it does take a while to get established on Etsy, but I know you will be successful.

Technodoll said...

You're a poet and ya know it :0)

And an artist through and through. What lovely packaging!!

Pippa said...

How poetic. What a beautiful picture of your morning you painted. I love a big windowsill to sit on and watch the world go by. Lovely.