Sunday, May 11, 2008


I wrote the meme yesterday and then our electricity went off. So...
I was going to do the Sunday Scribblings but telephones don't do much for me really. Instead, I shall mull over the haiku prompt for One Single Impression: warm is a nice thing to think about...ginger, cinnamon, soup,thick fluffy towels, duvets, the nape of a neck...mmmm....
See you tomorrow.
Hope you are having a pleasant weekend.

I have been tagged by The Sheriff, ta love! So here is another one all about me

The rules: Are posted at the beginning. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
Not much really! No kids, all the time in the world and no appreciation what so ever of how much I could do. I was a sheltered housing warden - looking after old biddies, gardening and potching around really.

2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today- not in any particular order?
Tidy up upstairs; check out Zoars Ark to see if I can get chicken feed easily in town and if so what kind; finish spinning up the Black Welsh wool; visit mum and dad and get ready to go out for a meal tonight in a local pub with Dizzy and Daisy. A pleasant day in store really.

3. Snacks I enjoy.
cashew nuts, sweet popcorn, grapes, fresh pineapple

4. Places I've lived- Africa, Wales, England and Scotland.

5. Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Buy my parents a dream home and a Bentley (with a chauffeur cos it would be madness to put my dad behind the wheel of a car at this time of his life.)
A small holding for me with everything that should be on a smallholding plus out buildings for studios and all kinds of things.
Choose a small charity to support and really make a difference there.
Travel: The Arctic, Japan, Italy, America, Canada, Scandinavia.
Spend the rest of my life studying the widest variety of subjects that I could get hold of. Science, history, astronomy, biology, etc etc.

6. 6 Peeps I want to know more about: Technodoll, Pippa, Dizzy, Kati, Robin, Kim


robin ann mcintosh said...

thanks for choosing me!! i'm really flattered. oh, i also love sweet popcorn!

Pippa said...

I feel honoured that you chose me and I shall do that tomorrow. But I'm not sure that I have six readers! I'll have a go though.
Do you have chickens? I completely missed that one! x

Lorraine said...

Sian- ta for playing, it was very informative.

Do you celebrate Mother's Day over the pond? Or is it Mothering Sunday.

Sian said...

Little Bird: Who can dislike sweet popcorn? :)

Pippa: No, I don't have chickens yet... It is a definite possibility sometime this summer though.

Lorraine: You are welcome :) We celebrate Mothers Day yes, but not on the same day as you. The timing of ours is connected to Easter I think. It is always in the Spring though.

Technodoll said...

I'll play :-)

ps: love your snacks... mmm. And someday I definitely want to raise a few chickens. Yeah. If you go first, I would love to know how it goes!