Saturday, December 01, 2007

Advent Wedding!

The Gorgeous Bride...
(one of the most gentle, giving and just generally amazing women I have ever met btw)

The Fortunate Groom
(who looked so tasty in his evening dress he inspired all the male guests to turn up at the evening do in Bond costume too.)

Signing the Register

A wedding is good at any time of the year, but a Chistmastide wedding...that's romantic.
A loved one once described advent to me as a time of yearning. It is indeed a time where the church prepares for the return of the Bridegroom and, face it, the party of the Universe. There is something about a wedding that anticipates that huge party to be...I hope there are cocktails.


Anonymous said...

Gutted i missed this!!! :(
Bloody essays i tell you!

Sian said...

Yup, it was a beauty...and the hotel for the reception...posh or wot? And the cocktails were to die for. Blue lagoon, pina colada, vodka martinis, something with tia maria which was v. nice indeed. Fun!
I hope your essay was as good :)

Sa said...

This was the best day out I have had in ages!

Don't even talk to me about essays!!!!

I am now signing off to die!

Sian said...

You will be glad when you have your degree Sara. Besides, dissertations are the most fun there is!