Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday Five

1. What's the last movie you saw?
Stardust - for the second time, yes it is that good.

2. Are you gentle?

3. Do you sleep with your bedroom door shut?

4. What's your middle name?
Aurwen- a Welsh name, it means white gold. Given to me by my father.

5. Friday fill-in:
I could learn to like ___.

Sorry, I have never learned to like anything as far as I know. I either like something or I don't and if I don't then there is no learning otherwise I'm afraid.


Patois42 said...

Love your middle name. And I have wanted to see Stardust. Your recommendation will propel me to rent it! I will not hold you responsible if I find I do not like it. But I will if I do like it. Fair enough?

Sian said...

Thankyou Patois. Stardust is a beautiful film, one of my favourites. If you like fairy stories of the unconventional kind then this is it.