Wednesday, April 02, 2008

This week I am mostly reading

This is such a pretty book. It is neatly sized so it won't get in the way while you are baking but it is packed with useful and unusual recipes. Banoffee cupcakes anyone or coconut and lime?
There are Christmas cupcakes, firework cup cakes (snazzily decorated with an indoor sparkler - such fun) and Halloween cup cakes with chocolate cobwebs (deceptively easy to do).
The photography is bold but simple, rather like the recipes themselves and the colours are gentle and pleasing with the cakes being prettily and simply decorated rather than being intimidating and time consuming works of art.
I am steadily working my way through the book. I've done the blueberry and polenta with a cream cheese and lemon topping and now there is a pleasurable dithering ahead over elevenses which one to do next. Ummm, gooey chocolate and hazelnut I think or maybe the raspberry and vanilla. Decisions decisions...


Anonymous said...

those cakes look like cakes MrV would make???????I can see him in is pinny and i bet he as one.again don't send Lily around i've got the flay boy's to look after me flying all the way from the U.S.A. to watch my back.?God bless.

Greg C said...

Any cake is good cake. I am partial to chocolate myself. Perhaps a French silk cupcake. Do you need my address?

Lorraine said...

Sian- Coconut and lime- sounds exotic and yummy.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Yummi yummi yummi for my tum tum tummy :o)

That cover is as delicious as the cupcakes.....I love it.....I often wish that I could take food photos by the light of day......Maybe when I can be a house girlfriend one day.....I'll be able to bake and cook, and then get photos in natural light......ahhhh

Sa said...

The americans laugh when I say fairy cakes and have decided to adopt the phrase for their cupcakes. I proceeded to explain that cup cakes are large cakes and fairy cakes are smaller flatter cakes, but it was funny none the less

Nicole said...

Oooh! I'm not sure I would actually cook any of those cupcakes (I'm more the quick & dirty style chef, rather than gourmet...) but they sure are nice to look at!

Ragged Roses said...

Now you've got me think about cake! I need to go make some - love the sound of all those you've mentioned.

Technodoll said...

They look too beautiful to eat, that is the only problem.

I luckily never have that issue when I bake... "honey I promise it tastes better than it looks" ha ha!

mmm. cupcaaakes.

Anonymous said...

just been to churub do take a look

Sian said...

Pod: V is banned from my kitchen unless it is to wash dishes or make toast. To watch him chopping an onion is agony...

Greg: I want the recipe for French silk cupcake. I'm not kidding :)

Lorraine: That is next on my list.

Jessica: Here's to the pleasures of domesticity :)

Sa: I like both descriptions but cup cake does sound more substantial. How about passion fruit butterfly cakes? Yum.

Nicole: Quick and dirty cooking sound amazing (and a little bit ummm...dare I say it? Sexy)*grinning*

Kim: I am absolutely certain that your cakes are stunning :)

TD: I have had my share of disasters too but it doesn't really matter what it looks like as long as it tastes good.

Pod: Yup, I visit Cherub regularly :)Glad to hear she is doing well.