Sunday, April 06, 2008


I haven't been kidnapped by aliens, I've just had an incredibly busy weekend and now I am wrecked beyond a good way. And I guess I can't be wrecked beyond words because I believe I still have a few sentences in me.
I have been gardening. Gardening has not and probably will never be a huge part of my life. I have black thumbs. All I can grow are brambles, prize winning slugs and *horror* that bloody awful Japanese knotweed, oh and bindweed has a good whirl of it in July too, but bindweed flowers are pretty so I am resigned to that if you know what I mean. Yes, my garden is a chamber of horrors - you should see what the neighbourhood cats leave up there, I almost lost my breakfast, charnel house was not the word - and I don't much like going up there.
Until now...
I am not posting photographs because it is just too embarrassing. I have been working for about three days off and on and it now only looks terribly neglected rather than an utter twll diawl*. But I have found the boundary fence. Previously undetectable through the jungle of brambles et al. Those suckers were bigger than me! Okay, I'm not big but heck... and this week I am going to find the patio. We have one I know, just haven't seen it since V built a garden table (banqueting size) and hid it all. Neglect has seen it off but it should burn a treat and then the girls can get a sandpit or maybe a swing instead. Then I want to plant something like this...

A series of willow slips in what should be the vegetable patch to be woven into a house/den for the girls (and me if I am honest, I love willow houses). I am never going to get a vegetable patch going, I am just not disciplined enough but willow houses don't need much coddling and that is a Good Thing.

Today, snow put the kaibosh on gardening/bramble butchering. It was such a shock to wake up and see the trees in their delicate frosted coats. It was gone by dinnertime but I spent the morning baking a mammoth run of cupcakes for the tea in church tonight. Then the chicken dinner, dishes, sort kids out and off to church for the first time in over a month. I tell you I have not stopped. Until now and now I am going to bed. Pics of and maybe recipe for delicious and frankly indulgent cupcakes tomorrow.

Nos da cariad. Sleep soundly and happy dreams

* Welsh for foul mess. Direct translation - demon pit. A pungent but entirely apt description I feel.


Anonymous said...

willow is good easy to work.cup cakes easy to eat more next time.

dottycookie said...

We're hoping to build a willow shelter to house a little bench this year, and to hide a particularly unattractive breezeblock boundary wall. Just have to find some willow to use now!

Patois42 said...

Oh, please do hurry with that recipe. Youngest turns 6 on April 15 (known in America as "Tax Day" or "Give the Government Whatever Money You Have Left Day).

Pippa said...

That looks delightful! Well done you for doing the gardening.