Monday, April 21, 2008

A Bit of a Do...

V would have had a vodka martini only he was driving

cutting the birthday cake (check out D's frock! - wow!)

Hotel lounge (V was of the opinion that the piano needed tuning)

Grounds, complete with bunny rabbits, those little suckers move fast though

The gate keepers cottage (where we stayed)

I have no photos of me that I am willing to share. Sorry. I am desperately unphotogenic and it didn't help that, although I had a pretty dress, I did not look my best. This bloody awful virus has chewed me up rather. Picture of frock here though if you are interested :)
We had a great time and it was just lovely for the two of us to get away. Good food, champagne, witty company and dancing into the small hours*.

We returned to real life with a bit of a thump however, as all the girls have managed to come down with ear infections and accompanying fever. So as soon as we got home it was blankets and sick bowls. Real life evaporating the evening dresses and cocktails faster than a girl can say "Cinderella."
They are feeling better this morning, though Rose in particular is feeling rather crotchety. No school for a few days. Thank goodness for kids dvds! How did mums manage before the Fimbles on constant repeat?

*virus or no, there is no way I am sitting down when others are dancing!


Technodoll said...

Ah yes... kids will do that to romance! Am glad you could at least get away for a night to enjoy being "young and free" again - cinderella, indeed! :-)

ps: your man is so handsome!!

Greg C said...

Just what I would expect for pictures of your area. Very nice. Sorry you all got that crud. DW doesn't like me to take pictures of her either. :(

Lorraine said...

Sian- I hope you two had a great time- because as parents of young children, you have to grab the good times while you can.

I HOPE you get an Etsy shop- how exciting!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I just have to say, that V is handsome in the coolest most mad scientist sort of way.

Now that I got that out of the way.....glad to hear you had a great time......I wanna stay in that little cottage!!

Kati said...

Awww, sorry you & the kiddos are feeling ill. I hope y'all feel better quickly. And that's a lovely "frock" you had to wear. I'm sorry you feel you didn't look well enough for pictures.

As for the partying place.... VERY pretty!!!!

Anonymous said...

glad you had a good time.sorry about the girls.see MrV has is sunday best on he does enrich the church each sunday dressd like that.i wish he wouldn't take his 007 gun with him.pray the girls get better.see you all soon.

Anonymous said...


Sian said...

TD: Yes, it was fun. V says thank you :)

Greg: The differences between my area of Wales and this area of England would need another post! :D
The English and the Welsh are very different indeed. Possibly in the same way that there are differences between a Southerner and a Yankee, even though they are both Americans.

Lorraine: I know! And I am seriously thinking about the etsy thing. Watch this space!

Jessica: V was pleased with that comment. I think he quite likes the mad scientist effect :D

Kati: Kids eh? I could get used to a life of luxury though...

Pod: thanks for that :)

Cyril: Sorry! I have posted one up now. Though I must say it would have been easier for me if you lot had not given into the temptation to do the Agincourt Wave all the flipping time! And you shouldn't shout, it's rude, you might scare people...
love you babe

Sa said...

Oh so you got the virus at yours too! Joy isn't it!

I love the dress, email me so I can see you in it please!!

Please exlpain what is an etsy shop?

dottycookie said...

The cottage looks wonderful and I'm glad you had fun even if you were under the weather. Hope your girls are on the mend now.