Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Scribblings - Fearless

Once upon a time there was the fairest garden in all the world. Bright flowers danced and the air was sweet with the breath of trees. It was all that one could ever wish for. And safely tucked up together in this wonderful place lived two caterpillars...

Listen and I will tell you.

They were very handsome caterpillars in their way. He was orange and she was lilac which was good as these were the colours that they each liked to look at best. They spent their days curled up together, watching the world's going on and talking as if they would never stop thinking of interesting things to learn of each other. They set each other riddles and rhymes. Spoke of cabbages and kings, dreams and stars - laughing and thrilling to be together. And loved each other with their whole heart's soul.

Sometimes they would give each other gifts. She would go out and bring back sprigs of heaven scented herb that she knew he would like. He would find for her soft petals to lie upon in a mark of such thoughtful beauty that she felt her heart to burst with the joy of knowing him.

Most times though they lay together, just being together. Knowing the other was near. And that was all they needed.

One day a new voice was heard in the garden. It sounded odd. - compelling, but revolting at the same time.

What is that? asked she.
I don't know he said. Stay here, I'll look.
He went out a little way, came back, looking ill.
Well? she asked.
He shrugged. It is fear. He tried to make light of it, but she knew.
What is it doing here? This is our garden.
I don't know...yes I do...It has come for us, he replied.
Well it can't have us, she said indignantly.
He smiled, but said sadly What we want might not come into it.
I don't care! she cried. Tell it to go away

Fear sat outside on a branch, flapping huge brown wings and singing an awful song about eggs.

She shuddered and pressed closer to him I wish it would go away
He smiled at her, soothing, I'll protect you
I know she said simply, I'll protect you too
Thank you he smiled again I know.

They lay, curled up tightly together and listened to fear's horrible song.

Trying to be brave for each other, knowing in their hearts that this could be the end. Dreading losing each other, being torn away. They knew it could happen and never had they loved each other so as when they knew the end of all things sang outside.
Aware as never before of the softness of skin, the dearness of a smile.

I'm sleepy she whispered. You are so lovely and warm.
Come here, he said. Are you comfortable?
I am with you,she replied. There is nothing else. What happens, happens.
You are everything to me, he said. Do you know that?
She laughed softly Of course I do, silly.
He laughed too, secretly amazed that she could laugh at a time like this.
Can we do anything? she asked, reading his mind.
No he replied gently.
Then we see what happens and until then I'll laugh because I have you and fear does not.

She snuggled into him and swiftly fell asleep.
He watched over her. Thoughts lurching round his head. He began to feel a bit light-headed. It was strange, very strange.
He watched, as if in a dream, the dust coloured blanket wrap around them. Unaware that it was he that made it. Wrapping them both in silken safety. Fear could not get them here.

They slept...

They slept for a long, long time and dreamed the wildest, most vivid dreams: of air and movement, bright colour and liquid light, the sweetest scented taste of flowers.

It was the sunrise that woke them. He was sure of it, but she maintains to this day that it was the sound of falling rain. Either way they both agreed that the rainbow that arced across the sky was a beauty.

But what neither of them knew was that the rainbow itself wished for wings as clear and silken as the ones they now carried and carried them where ever they wished to go.

and neither of them cared what the rainbow, or anyone else thought.

They had each other and that was enough.


For other examples of fearlessness check out Sunday Scribblings here


Granny Smith said...

I had tears in my eyes reading this fable of love and fearlessness. Caterpillars seem to know better than most humans that confronting Fear together as a team is the way to overcome it.

I'll be visiting your blog often. The array of luscious yarns in the heading would draw me back even if you weren't such a talented writer.

Anonymous said...

You spin quite a yarn. Loved it!

shapely ghosts

Prats said...

Loved this story. It has so many emotions in it.
Especially loved those lines below your profile about tea...
Agree with it 100 percent

black coffee said...

i think that was so beautiful! like granny smith here i almost got tearful at the end. it was splendid even more beautiful as the wings of those butterfiles!

Sa said...

Did you write it? IF so it's about time we need to get you published. you have a gift!

Bee Haven Bev said...

Wow....speechless....keep writing...that was amazing.

Greg C said...

What a great story. I thought it was a chicken coming looking for dinner.

Patois42 said...

Beautifully told, Sian. I love the way you weave your stories.

Sian said...

Granny: I am honoured. Thank you.

Gautami, Prats, Black Coffee: Thankyou too, see you again soon :)

Sara: lol. Yes, m'dear, I wrote this! And you are sweet, but I have been published several times and really it was fun, but for me... it was not that big a deal. I don't want that to sound throwaway or big headed, but getting published is not my goal anymore :)

Beverly: Now you know how I feel when I see some of the quilts that you have made! :D

Greg: lol! Do chickens sing in the Carolinas then?

Patois: You are a dab hand at the loom yourself :)

Tumblewords: said...

How perfectly the story unfolded and opened...Nice work!