Monday, April 14, 2008

Guess the Impostor...

...If you can meet with triumph and disaster
and treat those two impostors just the same...
from If by R Kipling

Lemon meringue pie, from scratch and from Delia no less... Looks good doesn't it?

Yup, still looks good (forgive the wobbles, I was back chatting V who was laughing at me for photographing my food)
mmm, butter...
and no, I didn't put salt instead of sugar in the meringue and the eggs were fresh, just in case you are wondering...
It just tasted terrible.

funny pictures
moar funny pictures


Pippa said...

That's SUCH a shame - it looks amazing!

Lorraine said...

Sian- It looked so good.

It had to be V's fault.

Anonymous said...

MEN are better cooks than women.get him indoors to take over.

Technodoll said...

I don't get it, how can a meringue pie that looks so lovely taste so bad? was it the recipe?... :-o

Mary Beth said...

The picture at the end just says it all! It looked beautiful - too bad it didn't taste the same.

Sian said...

Pippa: Appearances can sometimes be deceptive :)

Lorraine: Poor V...he quite liked it actually :D

Pod: This salmon isn't biting today. Go fish...

TD: No, the recipe came from St Delia. It has to be good. I think it was me. I just didn't like the taste.

Mary Beth: I liked the picture too. It made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

like my daughter you know me to sa i will get you to take the bait.????????

Sa said...

Ah alas crafty lady it is V who puts salt in things not thee