Thursday, January 31, 2008

Insomnia means...

random blogstuff again! Yay!!

You Are a Powdered Devil's Food Donut

A total sweetheart on the outside, you love to fool people with your innocent image.
On the inside you're a little darker, richer, and more complex.
You're a hedonist who demands more than one pleasure at a time.
Decadent and daring, you test the limits of human indulgence.

Crafting is on hold until my dyes and silk get back from Fibrecrafts so it is either food or poetry until then. But for now...House MD is on call :)

Nos da cariad. Hope you are sleeping well.


Anonymous said...

sion, just a jam donut , five at a time from asda or any shop. must go shopping now. i can feel the jam on my face. bye. poddy

Nicole said...

Mmmm. I got the same donut as you. But how could you post one I haven't done yet when I already have 13 of these things on my blog today? =D

Sian said...

Pod: There is no such thing as just a jam donut. Jam donuts are fab and so are you.

Nicole: It suprises me not a bit to hear that we have the same donut type. We are twins after all :)