Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Another Meme

Four jobs I have held
  1. Sheltered housing warden
  2. Life model
  3. Creative writing tutor
  4. Factory worker
Four movies I watch over and over and over
  1. Breakfast at Tiffanys
  2. The Enchanted April
  3. The Princess Bride
  4. Brief Encounter
Four places I have been
  1. Aberdeen (furthest North)
  2. Cape Town (furthest South)
  3. Rome (furthest East)
  4. Huntsville, Alabama (furthest West)

Four places I have lived

  1. Berkhamsted, England
  2. Carmarthen, Wales
  3. Larkhall, Scotland
  4. Blantyre, Malawi

Four people who e-mail me regularly

  1. Dizzy
  2. Amazon uk
  3. People who tell me that my male bits need enhancing
  4. Poem of the Day

Four favourite foods

  1. Homemade vegetable soup
  2. Fresh bread (as in still steaming from the oven) and butter
  3. Medium rare steak and salad
  4. Bread and butter pudding - only instead of bread I use croissants and add apricot conserve as well as butter. It is rich, terribly fattening and a thing of joy.

Four places I'd rather be

  1. I am really quite happy here with my cup of coffee and the Pogues playing Old Irish in the kitchen.
  2. However, I can always be at Ffald Y Brenin anytime of the day or night
  3. Failing that, Sugar Beach in Alabama breathing warm air and paddling in the warm sea.
  4. Or, the Arctic Circle watching the Aurora Borealis

Four things I am looking forward to

  1. April, Faith's baby being born
  2. May, when I am next off to Ffald y Brenin (yes I know I am boring about this place but most of you reading this haven't been there and don't realise how dreamlike this place is)
  3. Spring in general
  4. The trip to the Artic Circle, three years from now. It is going to take us that long to save for it! But it will happen.
Thanks for that Pilgrim. I tag Pippa again, Dizzy, The Sheriff to get her back for the book meme :) and I think I might tag Hedgewizard if I am not too shy to ask him.


Lorraine said...

Sian- Okay, I'll play.

And I'm coming over for the croissant bread pudding.

Haven't heard the Pogues since the '90's.

Sa said...

Explain what I must do!!! please