Friday, January 18, 2008

Grey...and a bit blue

Working in the YMCA, people are coming in shaking off their umbrellas and exclaiming at the weather as if it is my fault.
"Oh, it is filthy out there!"
"Brrrr, yuk. What a night!"
...and words to that effect
They don't get much sympathy from me (after all I have just had to lug a spinning wheel through the torrent and will have to again at nine o' clock - the things I will do to stave of boredom)
"Blooming heck," I reply. "It might almost be Wales in January."

But the British obsession with weather aside, it is manking out there. You know the white outs you get in blizzards? Well as I write there is a grey out in the valley. I cannot see anything beyond the first bend in the road down the hill. It is starting to get me down a bit. Can't get out in the garden. Well, I suppose I could but to what end?

Still, I have Dizzy and Uncle Daisy coming round for coffee now, hurrah for nursery education that allow frazzled parents chill out time. So I had better get my grumpy butt in gear and get going with the chocolate brownies. It is nice to have the scent of baking goodies inside when it is so miserable out.

Hope you have a coffee and chocolate scented day too. And take a brolly if you're going anywhere, it is a bit damp out.

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