Wednesday, February 27, 2008


"SCATTERGORIES" ...It's harder than it looks! Copy and paste into your blog and try it!
**Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following --they have to be real places, names, things ...nothing made up! You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name... Sian
4 Letter word... Snow (c'mon you didn't really think I'd put something else did you?)
Vehicle... Sled
City... Sheffield
Boy Name... Sirius
Girl Name... Sheherezade
Alcoholic Drink... Southern Comfort
Occupation... Surgeon
Something you wear... Stockings
Celebrity... Sophia Loren
Food... Spagetti
Something found in a bathroom... Sink
Reason for being late... Sick
Cartoon Character... Snoopy
Something you shout... Shazbat! (Mork and Mindy anyone?)
Animal... Salamander
Body part...Skin
Word to describe you... Sassy

Thanks Greg. If anyone wants to have a go at this, let me know so I can come and see your answers.


Greg C said...

Great words Sian. I love it. I used to watch Mork all the time. It was so silly it was funny. RW really cracks me up.

Technodoll said...

I LOOOOVE scattergories! OMG i play it all the time when i go to my dad's... never thought of making a meme out of it.

how delightful! :-D

Nicole said...

I did this too, but it won't show up on my (WordPress) blog until tomorrow, as I'm using it for a Thursday Thirteen. =) Thanks for the laugh!

Sian said...

Greg: I loved Mork and Mindy...but I thought the name Boulder, Colarado was made up. I was only little then mind you.

Technodoll: Never played it but this was fun to do. It took me a long time to think of a city starting with S

Nicole: Looking forward to reading yours :)

Pippa said...

Loved the girl's name you put! I've done some scattergories on my blog x