Monday, February 11, 2008


In a Past Life...

You Were: A Genius Mathematician.

Where You Lived: Scotland.

How You Died: Hung for treason.


Greg C said...

I am having enough trouble thinking about this life much less a past one. If I had to guess though I would say I was a banker and if I recall you owed me some money. :) I will take check or cash, lol

Sian said...

:D Nice try Greg

Anonymous said...

GARDENER GREG trying to get dosh out sian is like trying to get blood out of a stone try it with Mr V .

Greg C said...

It never works with my wife either. I thought I would give it a try anyway. :)

Sian said...

Gentlemen: It is very easy to get money out of me, just set up a wool shop...

Patois42 said...

I love the title of this post. I'm going to check the link out right away.

BTW, while I miss the old picture on your home page, the one you've put up is gorgeous.

Sian said...

Patois: You've made my day.