Saturday, February 09, 2008

A Perfect Day

Yesterday, after nursery, we troddled off down to Bracelet Bay. We stopped in Dick Bartons on the way to pick up fish and chips and wolfed them down - hot, salty and tingley with vinegar - don't have chips that often so they were a treat.
Eden and Lily stared at the sea with the same fascination one usually reserves for tigers. They preferred the rock pools and really, so do I. We played on the sand and paddled a little bit then called into Joes for ice cream on the way home.
It wasn't as cold as it looks here and it was mostly sunny too, it's just I loved the silver light on the sea when the sun went behind that massive cloud.

Today is still untouched. There is a birthday party to go to and Wales is playing Scotland today. All this I will miss as I am in work this afternoon. Better get cracking.

Hope you have a perfect day too.


Lorraine said...

Sian- It looks so wild and lovely (the water, not the children!)

We're getting more snow as I speak.

Anonymous said...

oor what joy playing in rockpools .in my day once a year trip to the seaside we made the most it. time was slower then. swimming in the sea on the sand playing football, rugby,rounders.up to the funfair. same today fish and chips.mother and father saved all year long, for that one day.hard times,but great times. St Poddy

Sian said...

Lorraine: The children can get pretty wild themselves actually :) And I am shivering for you (it was warm enough here to go without our coats today)

Pod: Day trips to Tenby were the best...

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Those boulders are very interesting, do you know what kind of rock that may be? and they looked so smooth.....very beautiful scenery! Are the girls twins? they look to be about the same age......

Technodoll said...

That is my very favorite coastal scenery in the world... tide pools, rocks, sculpted wet sand and the sea's treasures laid at our feet... no wonder the kids loved it.


Thank you for sharing your perfect day, chips and all ;-)

Sian said...

Jessica: No, I don't know what type of rock they are but a friend of mine is a geologist so I can find out :) And yes, Eden and Lily are twins. There are two minutes between them!

Technodoll: You are welcome :) Thanks for dropping by :)