Friday, February 22, 2008

Home Again

Safe and sound. Well, almost. I have managed to wrench a tendon in my foot and its up like a balloon. I can just about get my most forgiving boot on at the moment, even slippers are out. So meargh to me for being so daft to think that I can dance like a looney, twice a day, when I usually only indulge once a week barring occasional jigs in the kitchen with the girls...

Anyway. Ashburnham was good by and large but we didn't get to go into Battle after all as there was an ipromptu teaching session that V wanted to attend and after hearing from Cyril that it was just a field, I wondered as to how I would feel about it all anyway. So we gave it a miss. We drove through the village though on the way out and it looked very interesting. I will definately go there next year, I think that will mean skiving off and having a good poke around all on my own.

Canterbury was awesome. Not a word I usually apply to many things, but honestly, it was awesome. It needs a post all to itself but (and I realise that this could just be me) I had the same reaction when I looked out over the domes of Florence from above the city on a golden evening many years ago. It was a lifetime moment and I am so glad I can say I have been there.
More tomorrow, with some pics.
Nos da cariad, sleep well.

1 comment:

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Oooooooh.....i can't wait to see Canterbury!! Sorry to hear about your foot...I hope it heals for you very quickly.....take it easy :)