Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Project?

Is this the next distraction? I know I keep on about it but it is taking me a helluva long time to recuperate from this 'flu thing that I had. I am just not up to dyeing fibre or painting yarn which was my next intended dabble project. I need something that will occupy me peacefully without boring me but not be so challenging so as to fry my poor brain...

Just a day or two ago I stumbled across Kate Quilts in Australia. I know nothing about quilting, the design and colour sense needed to quilt just does my head in, but she has a pretty blog with some very cheerful Celtic/folk music on a little widget. And while wandering around I found a link to a Noah's Ark Quilt which really caught my eye...
I have been thinking about it since then. I used to be pretty good at embroidery when I was younger though it has been a long time since I did anything of note. But these little rabbits are speaking to me and they are saying "Go on...give it a go..."
Watch this space...


Anonymous said...

Oh, you must give it a go. It's a darling little project - a tiny wall hanging when it's all together, so Lynette says. You can do the stitchery in an evening.

I would love to do yarn painting, but have no idea where to start. Mark may not cope with more crafty stuff in the house, particularly since the princess has taken up knitting too. :)

Thanks so much for the nice comments.

Sian said...

Kate: You are very welcome :)

I love finding and learning new stuff

Sa said...

How bored you must be without me! This is pushing the boundaries now MRS!! Why not take up something wild and dangerous? You know you want to! Was tempted to get a tat done while here BUT thought about being 60 with a drawing on my shoulder and chickened out!

Sian said...

Sa: Yes I am missing you. No, nothing wild and dangerous for me thank you though, (unless you count Tonna bends in the new baby of course)...

and if ever I want V to make my life a living hell then a tattoo is the way to go. Seriously, he'd go mad...

Bee Haven Bev said...

Very cute! Keep going with it!! Found your blog through another one....share your love of crafting...trying new things....finding beauty all around!! Nice to meet ya!!