Saturday, March 01, 2008

David Who?

Patron saint of Wales boyo! Today we all dress up in silly hats and dragon stuff, eat cawl, wave leeks and wear daffodils on our coats. Then we all pop down the pub, get tiddly and sing Sospan Fach, possibly the weirdest song ever written. Only the Welsh would get drunk to a song about boiling saucepans and a cat scramming little Jonny...
Here is how it is done.

The great thing about this is that it was done in a Celtic Festival in Chicago, which for some reason, makes me smile.

And an excellent recipe for cawl can be found here.

Have a really great day. I'm off to my Mums to do almost all of the above.


Technodoll said...

I was going to ask "what the heck is cawl?" but your link explains the recipe quite nicely... too bad lamb makes me gag though. could it be replaced by beef or something else?

Sian said...

Yes you could replace lamb with beef but it wouldn't be cawl then, just beef stew. Still tasty though.

Sa said...

Sang it on the top of my voice crafty lady! SENT IT TO BOB CAVE TOO!

Sian said...

Sa: We were singing this all day!
I am sure Mr Cave enjoyed :D