Thursday, March 20, 2008

Back to Winter

Yuk, winter has returned and is throwing grey from the sea all the way up the valley. I can't see the opposite mountain and the poor birds who were so busy yesterday building nests in the sunshine are now sitting under the eaves in a damp bewildered heap wondering where Spring went. They are not the only ones.

Rose has taken the fact that I am rather better as an opportunity to come down with another bout of tonsilitis and V has left for a guys weekend at Ffald y Brenin. He wasn't fussed on going, love him, leaving his womenfolk in varying stages of unwellness but there we are. We will be fine and he will enjoy himself I know. We will be having a very quiet Easter I think. Thank goodness for the Tweenies...

As soon as I can find the camera I will post up the ladybug who now has a head and ten spots. The spots are yet to be sewn on, but that is a project for tonight in work.

So, the fire is belting it out and I might do some baking later but for now I have just got to get moving on some humdrum housework. Laundry yet again... but at least it is sweet smelling and satisfactory in its own way.
Hope you have a snug, warm and fragrant day.


Greg C said...

Sounds like a great day to sit by the fire with a nice book, a cup of hot tea and a blanket. Keep warm.

Sa said...

aww hunny I feel bad! We arae enjoying glorious humidity and you are freezing your backsides off! I will bring something nice to cheer you up on my return!

Tell Rose I am sorry she is unwell and give her a cuddle from me. Will bring a treat back to make her feel better (although I hope she is over it before my return)

Sian said...

Will do Cap'n Greg :)

Dizzy: Wave at Greg, he is not far from you I think.
I am glad it is glorious for you there. Soak up the heat while you may as we are whistling for Spring right now.
Rose is very wan, but with the resilience of childhood I am sure she will bounce right back very soon.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

As soon as you can find the camera?!?! haha.......I would DIE!! It's so much a part of'd never hear "as soon as I can find it" come out of my mouth.....hehe....I always know where it is!!
Now, the lenscap is an entirely different story :o)

Sian said...

Jessica: LOL! In my defence I always know where my spinning wheel and knitting needles are :)

Ragged Roses said...

Hello! Winter returned here today as well, not fair! Hope Rose is feeling a bit better. Take care and have a good Easter
I still call my dad "daddy" too!

Technodoll said...

Oh la la, sounds like you are getting the dragon's tail of our nasty weather as it makes its way across the Atlantic - bleh.

So it's easter weekend, you're unwell, the kids are unwell and your hubby has left you to go enjoy some time with the boys?

How does that work?

I'd be freaking out and aiming for his head with the heaviest frying pan I could find!!

Anonymous said...

you lady's have it so easy sa enjoying herself in north carolien,craftylady with a cup of tea in one hand and another hand spinning another hand picking up some cake and another sewing black spot's etc ,and jessica taking photo's here there and every where and when she is sleeping. and poor Mr V been put out in the cold rain and has to put up with the boy's and cold food over the weekend. cold bed's and the Mr not being there i feel sorry for him. who am i trying to kid he's having a great time.go boy's look for the near's pub and curry shop.

Sian said...

Hello Kim, thanks for the good wishes :)

TD: Sexy new avatar! I like it :)
As for the trip away...well, it has been planned for weeks and if you had seen Ffald y Brenin, you would understand :)

Pod: You are funny x
Jonathan and Mark are down the pub right now. V declined an invitation as it is gale force out there with them...and I packed some very good food for him to take I'll have you know. I would not let my man suffer cold food, even if I am not there to keep him warm of a night. A hot water bottle will do just as well :)

Anonymous said...

sian you haven't sent him with a hot water bottle what will the boy's think? just joking they are all compairing hot water bottle's. the wife's know hubby is a wimp coming back with how hard it was and you will say i'll make better just like his mam.or and tell him you missed him. boy's have got it good, better than good