Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Can Spin a Rainbow

What a fantastic site this is, so inspirational. Exploring the use of colour. It is massively open and diverse with a huge collection of contributors. A whole library of adventurous blogs to be getting on with.

The thing is that I am not a fibre artist, I reckon I can stretch to crafter but that extra edge of innovation is something that I can only admire and enjoy in others. I do not possess that well... edginess myself, I don't see in design terms.
This is possibly why I enjoy writing so much because I can see the shape of a piece of writing quite clearly. If only I could do so with colour and materials, but instead I tag along cwt bwych*, in my ususal derivative manner.
So it is with a sense of a bravery that I tackle project spectrum. Not caring if the end product is a success or not but rather enjoying the journey. I allow myself the freedom to potch about and blur my boundaries.

* Welsh: direct translation - cow's tail,
colloquial meaning - someone that is always behind

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