Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Resolutions

We had a church meet in the Castle Hotel today because we could not get the town hall because it is Easter. This will be my third Sunday without a meeting and it is starting to blunt my month. Sundays give a shape to the week, something to hang the daily thoughts and meditations on or at the very least it is a starting point.

Anyway, I have been rather low these past few weeks and as is usual I haven't noticed it much until I start boring myself and it turns into a frenzy of organising and cleaning. I am deeply, deeply tired of trying quite hard at keeping this house in order only for it to turn into mayhem the same day, sometimes in the same hour!
Something must be done, I must be doing something amiss - whatever it is I am going to remedy the situation.
I don't do New Years resolutions partly because I never feel as though January is anything other than an arbitrary calender moment, there is no real significance. But spring, Easter, the equinox, there is a spiritual and physical response to the change of season, the flood of new life and I am swept up.

I don't know what form these changes will take but change is coming to me and mine and the home that I run. Possibly I will run it rather than drag it limping behind me!

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