Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thank you Mr Dahl

Dishing out the ice cream after tea the other evening, Rose produced this little pearl...

Rose: Mummy. What does willy mean?
Me: Errrr....
Rose: Mummy?
Me: *having recovered my wits* What do you think it means? *I mentally pat myself on the back for that inspired deflection*
Rose: Is it short for William?
Me: *giddy with relief* That's right. *but now I know I have to bite the bullet* and it is also a word for a little boys privates.

Rose looks first shocked (remember, she has no brothers so it is not a word or idea that we have really needed to discuss) and then she looks slightly nauseated. She pauses and then with a faint air of trepidation about her she asks - What does Wonka mean then?

V naturally mishears and has to leave the table and I resolve to rethink the addition of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to our bookshelf and DVD collection.


Kim said...

Fabulous story, thank you, I'm having a good chuckle at that one :)

Kim x

Lorraine said...

Sian- I'm of the opinion that I never volunteer any information to a child beyond what is asked.

Now you know why.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure kids know what they are saying do it just to see mam and dad turn red green and white with mam and dad hoping they didn't hear right.ask sara with to boys.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

haha.....I think it's better not to shelter them....although that's coming from someone who doesn't have kids.......and is very cut and dry with anyone I talk to.....

Pippa said...

HA HA! What a brilliant story. Classic.

Technodoll said...

OMG!! I am ROTF!! aaaaaahahahah!

Best one of the week :0)

Sa said...

rofl- only in your house can that one happen

Anonymous said...

That's a classic! Wish I'd been there.

Kati said...

*snort* Oh, that's cute!!!! In a very embarassing way for you, of course.

I'm with Lorraine on this one. She was fine with the "short for William" answer. Go with it. Save slang-terms-for-private-parts for later. *wink*