Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Little House That Christmas Taste Forgot

Decorated the tree last night and the rest of the place. Spent hours at it and we're still not done yet. And there was a terrible conflict in my soul - tinsel or no tinsel?

I love tinsel, I even love the sound of the word and I really love jewels colours, glitz and glitter of the most kitsch kind but I also love the spare, clean, white washed, gingham ribbon and gingerbread look. And they don't go together in the same room, or even the same house.
So after many digs by V about decorating woes I tried my best to get the house tastefully decorated. The tree has white lights, not a scrap of glitter, just some pretty red beads and lovely straw decorations with a few rustic small toys that I bought in Cowbridge a few years ago and never used because they didn't go with the kitschy lovely trash that is usually stacked up in my Christmas den.

Anyway, somehow - search me, some coloured fairy lights got in under the fence and before you know it tinsel has wrapped itself around the bannisters and draped around the pictures and lamps.

So there is our tree, a lone example of decorating purity amongst the flashing, glittering tinsellatted heap that is our house at Christmas.

I'm putting foil ceiling decorations up later. Is there no end to V's torture. Yes... roll on January 6th.

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