Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bad day for Eden...

Eden plays with rubbish...we have more toys than we can shake a stick at and she likes to play with empty yogurt cartons. This she was doing this morning. She had a lovely time...right up until it broke, split right down the centre. And these things are sharp when they are broken, not the toy of choice for a four year old. Right? I threw it in the bin and she cried and cried and cried.

"Baby, it's broken, no good"
"No good, sweetheart, it would hurt you."
"Bokken?" Hiccuping sobs
"Yes, sweetie. Broken."
"I can't darling, some things just can't be fixed."

Big, big, blue eyes brim over with huge tears and my heart breaks for her over a damned yogurt pot. If only we could fix everything. A hard lesson for a four year old to learn.

On the good news I don't have DVT, which was a concern that caused much sleeplessness last night. I just have a baddie leg is all. I have to warm up properly when I dance (duh!) and take things easy for a few days. I did not laugh in the doctor's face when he told me this, hey, he had just lifted a sentence of warfarin off me, so I just about managed to keep it to a twisted grin.

It still flippin' hurts mind and there is still the niggling thought that I am banking a fair bit on one man's say so that this lump in my calf is not a clot that might not break off, get lodged in a lung and drop me dead in a cold second.
Most of my mind is content with the situation though and is very content that I do not have to go down the hospital for daily jabs of rat poison.

But if he is wrong and I do drop dead then V gets to sue the backside off the National health and becomes a very rich widower indeed.
See? There are silver linings everywhere!


Pippa said...

You do make me laugh! Nursing, eh? I had no idea! Neither did I know that you were getting broody! Three the quite enough! With the girls at church "sprogging left right and centre" (what a marvellous phrase!), you can have cuddles with those babies and have none of the sleepless nights that the parents will be having!

Sian said...

*hollow laugh at thought of sleeping at night ever*
I do actually manage to keep some things under my hat actually, not much admittedly, but some things :)

Ms_T said...

Nursing sounds good, follow your heart is all I can advise but you already know that! As for this lump on your calf, describe it to me as I have them off and on and if it's the same type as mine then V got no chance of becoming a rich widower as I had my first one 11 years ago and I got one now, and I am nowhere near dying!! .... oh yer, so glad you found the post secret blog, I found it 2 months ago and I love it!!

Patois42 said...

Poor little Eden. A hard lesson to learn so young.